Friday, March 17, 2006

Juniors match

Juniors are mad!!
they ran 16.6 km in 3 days..
and that's just the jogging part..
then they still run a lot of up and down court..
they're super duper fit!!

but then..
they're strong..
and they're out to get the title..

but then..
heard that this year...
only HC and RJ can make it..
the rest no power..
even SA also got no good players..
so hopefully our juniors will do us proud..
and VJ will be champ!!!

well..we as the seniors..
anyone game to go watch?
they haven draw lots la..
but their season shld be starting on 18 april..
my exam ends on 21st..haha..
so i shld be down for almost every match if i can..

i'll get them to post the schedule when it's out..
call me if you're gg k?

also..i wanna play ball also..
we go out n play ball when all our exams are over k?
it's a MUST!!!
can get the seniors and juniors also..
the number of ppl who eventually turn up shld be at least be 10..
then we can play match!!!



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